Product Updates

September Release Notes: Let’s Talk Notifications, Multi-Group Import, And The New Veterinarian Role.

EveryPig Release Notes is our periodical update that highlights recent product enhancements we’ve made so you can easily stay up-to-date on what’s new.

Let’s Talk Notifications

To improve how we communicate events to you, we’ve completely redesigned notifications on the EveryPig platform.

First, we’ve created an easily accessible “Notifications” section. Here you’ll find essential alerts relevant to you personally. Second, we’ve expanded the types of notifications available to you; from email and text messages to browser and in-app push notifications.

Supported Notifications:

  •   Alert Sound effects. Hear a sound with new notifications.
  •   In-app notifications. See toasts in-app
  •   Email & Text (SMS) notifications.
  •   Desktop push notifications. Browser-based notifications
  •   Android push notifications.

Supported Platforms*

  1. iOS**
  2. Android
  3. macOS
  4. Windows 7+

Supported Browsers*

  1. Safari***
  2. Firefox
  3. Chrome
  4. Edge
  5. Internet Explorer

Note: To customize how you receive notifications click on the “Settings” link on the notification drop-down menu or the “Settings” link on the “Notifications” screen. Alternatively, you can find these settings on your “My Profile” screen.

*Although we do our best to support all possible platform and browser permutations, we cannot guarantee support for all platform/browser combinations.
** Mobile Safari on iOS does not support push notifications or sound effects, however, in-app notifications are supported.
*** Sound effects are not supported on Safari browsers. Mobile Safari on iOS does not support push notifications.

New Multi-Group Import 

Should you like, you can now create hundreds of new groups at once.

With an admin role, you can create multiple groups by uploading a CSV file that includes group IDs, Farm names, Farm IDs, and Creation dates. Then with just a few clicks your new groups are created and assigned to the correct farms.

To access the Multi-Group Import, click on the “Create Group” multi-select button on the “Groups” screen, and select “Import Groups.” Then upload a CSV file and follow the onscreen instructions. When complete, you’ll see a list of how your upload performed—all errors are highlighted for easy troubleshooting. 

Note: “Creation Date” and “Start Date” are two different concepts in EveryPig. The Creation Date refers to the date the group is created in the EveryPig system. Whereas, “Start Date” refers to the day the first load of pigs is received into a group.

New Veterinarian Role

Now with an Admin Role, you can invite veterinarians to join your team on EveryPig.

To assign a veterinarian role, visit the Admin Panel. You’ll find this role listed along with farm owner, caregiver, and manager roles. 

The Veterinarian role privileges: 

  1. User can diagnose pigs
  2. User can view and comment on Farmfeed events
  3. User can submit Daily Checkups
  4. All users with veterinarian roles receive a “Dr.” before their name

Note: Users with Veterinarian roles do not have access to the admin and group panels.

Full Release Notes: September


  1. Veterinarian Role added to the system.
  2. Users with a Veterinarian role can Diagnose pigs.
  3. Users with a Veterinarian role can view and comment on Farmfeed events.
  4. Users with a Veterinarian role can submit Daily Checkups.
  5. All users with veterinarian roles receive a “Dr.” before their name.

Barn Sheets

  1. We fixed a bug that prevented users from editing “General Notes” via edit mode.
  2. Now uncompliant days are highlighted on a group’s barn sheet.
  3. We’ve improved the legibility of the barn sheets.
  4. If a mediation does not have a withdrawal period, the withdrawal period is now listed as: “N/A.”


  1. We’ve improved the user experience of the Post to Farmfeed feature.
  2. Comments have been disallowed on all company-wide Post to Farmfeed events.


  1. Multi Group Uploader implemented.
  2. Admin user can now create multiple groups at once by uploading a CSV file.
  3. We’ve improved the user experience for closing groups—the user can now close a group from the “Groups” data table.
  4. Column one on the “Groups” data table is now a clickable link.
  5. We’ve improved the scannability of the “Groups” data table.
  6. We no longer show Mortality Rate graph on closed, draft, or pending groups.
  7. We improved the user experience for closing groups—now you can close groups right from the “Groups” index data table.


  1. We’ve removed the source location column from the sources data table.
  2. Column one on the sources data table is now a clickable link.
  3. We’ve added a “Source type” column on the sources data table.
  4. We’ve improved the scannability of the sources data table.


  1. We’ve added a notifications bell to the header on the desktop.
  2. We’ve added a notifications bell to the footer on mobile.
  3. All notifications are available from the notifications drop-down menu at the top right on the desktop.
  4. The user can link from a notification to the connected event from the notifications system.
  5. The user can dismiss a notification to the connected event from the notifications system.
  6. All notifications are stored on the notifications screen.
  7. The user can elect to have notifications displayed as browser push notifications on the desktop.
  8. The user can elect to have notifications displayed as browser push notifications on mobile for Android.
  9. The user can elect to have notifications sent as text message notifications.
  10. The user can elect to have notifications sent as email notifications.
  11. The user can elect to have notifications appear as in-app notifications when logged in to EveryPig.
  12. The user can elect to have a sound play with an in-app notification.
  13. The user can manage how they want to receive notifications from the “My Profile” section.

My Profile

  1. We updated the “Preferences” tab on “My Profile” to make way for the new notifications paradigm.


  1. We refactored all drop-down menus to provide more a consistent user experience across all use cases.
  2. Auto Report: We fixed a broken link on the Auto Report email.
  3. We fixed an error that prevented screens from updating when navigating through the user/farm/company roles screens.
  4. We’ve updated the alert badges on the main navigation for better scanability.
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